When you go on a road trip there are things that you discover are essential, things that you absolutely cannot go without, things that must be done, let me explain...See one of my friends and I decided to take last weekend off and head out of state, well out of country really, to Toronto, Canada (ok not that far out of the country :o).I love road trips but before we could go there were several things we needed to do to be ready.
First of all we needed to check the weather,well let's see north of Buffalo we figured on cold and snow. Based on the anticipated weather conditions we had to pack accordingly, you know boots, sweaters, gloves, scarves, jeans etc. Next we needed to book our hotel, we needed to know where we were going when we got there. And of course we needed to make sure we didn't starve or die of dehydration on the road so we stocked up on the snacks and water. Once we had fuel for the body and mind we needed fuel for Al (my car) to get us to where we were going.
So far so good. Leaving home knowing that an adventure waits always gives me an adrenaline rush. Once on the road we need to make sure that we always have close access to the 3 most important pit stops; Timmy H's, a bathroom and a Wally World. All 3 are essential for a woman's survival (listed in random order of course). Here is where the beauty of GPS comes into the mix. Definitely the greatest invention since the microwave, Gips (my GPS), confidently maps out the way. Turn by turn he will direct you, step by step he will get you to where you are heading. Even when we get busy gabbing, he doesn't miss a beat, just redirects us so we get back on track. Gotta love Gips! The journey is half the fun. Good music, great conversation, games and snacks of course. Always need to keep up the energy no matter what.
Arriving at our destination we spent the weekend doing all sorts of fun things. We visited Chinatown and Koreatown and had lunch at a little Korean hole in the wall restaurant, but the food was excellent. We enjoyed driving around exploring and thanks to Gips, didn't get too lost. Hung out at the hotel reading magazines, watching TV and chilling poolside. We visited the West Indian section and ate some Trinidadian doubles and aloo pies! Yumm! We got to tour Casa Loma which was a pretty cool castle set on a hill overlooking Toronto. Good times.
Oh the trip was not without its moments of frustration though, like getting sick and needing to make emergency stops for 'supplies' at Walmart, slipping in the hotel tub and twisting my ankle, cranking the thermostat to 85 to make the room livable. Not to mention the desperation of seeking out a bathroom in downtown Toronto where parking is virtually non existent, driving for 45 minutes to find an Arby's only to discover it was not there anymore and leaving Toronto only to drive into a blizzard once we hit New York State. All the things that make road trips the most memorable.
Needless to say, we had a blast. Looking back I could see how much going on a road trip reminds me of this journey as a Christian. We need to be ready for what is ahead, to dress for it by putting on the full armor of God. Food for the road reminds me of how we need to live by the Word of God. Not once in a while but all the time, we need to be feeding on the Word because it gives us life and the strength to continue on. The GPS reminds me of the Holy Spirit, leading us and guiding us step by step through this life even when we get busy and don't listen and get off the path, He is always working to get us back on track. Amazing! Knowing where you are headed? Very important! And all those little frustrations that happen along the way are like unexpected trials and tribulations that we have to deal with. It helps to know God, His Word and a lot of times having godly friends who help you through them is a must. We come through those times wiser and stronger. Then we have great moments like seeing the Castle and taking in the most breathtaking view of the city, when we experience joy, peace and fulfillment.
Life is an adventure, an amazing journey with God, friends and faith. Live it out loud! Go on a road trip. :)
Welcome to my blog!
So the truth is that trying to survive in our world as a woman is hard enough at times but toss in some Christianity and you got yourself quite a challenge. My name is Miranda and welcome to my blog. I recently married the love of my life and went from the single life to the newly married adventure. I'm sure my upcoming writings will dive into this new and exciting stage of my life. Sometimes life is quite funny, sometimes it's downright entertaining, and sometimes it can get a little bit more serious. I love God and want to live a life that pleases him but that sometimes is easier said than done. :) So join me as I walk through the trials, struggles and joys of life when the only thing that works is a little chocolate and a lot of faith.
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Miranda Tom
Okay, was it really that bad! LOL! Good times! Memories!