At some point in life I think some of us discover who we really are. Some realize who they are but decide they want to be someone different and there are those who go through life and will never find their identity. How long this discovery takes depends on the individual.
I see little kids imitate their parents (good and bad) and begin developing opinions and even prejudices that will stay with them throughout their lives. I know a lot of people who have had to break free from the way they thought as they became adults realizing that so much of their thinking they owed to their parents. At some point we have to take responsibility for our own actions.
I work with teens and it is the imitation revolution. One cool kid wears a funky outfit or does her hair a certain way and all of a sudden kids everywhere are doing it. The teen years are a series of fads and followers. Making the right decisions about life doesn't always come easy.
As adults we conform to our surroundings, school, workplace, social settings, whether by choice or not we succumb to the pressures of society and lose bits and pieces of who we truly are all along the journey.
By the time we are mature, we would have spent our lives living for others, by others, through others and because of others. Some people facing retirement become depressed at the thought of losing their identity.
I see it in my own life here and there. Getting so busy with living life that I sometimes forget about being who God made me to be. I try to find my identity in the work I do or my family or my friends or my church but all those things are just part. Listen to the scripture, " is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for", and realize how true that is. He is my creator after all, who better to help me discover who I really am, but Him. Labels removed.
I am not just a daughter, or banker, or drama queen, I am His. I like that.
Welcome to my blog!
So the truth is that trying to survive in our world as a woman is hard enough at times but toss in some Christianity and you got yourself quite a challenge. My name is Miranda and welcome to my blog. I recently married the love of my life and went from the single life to the newly married adventure. I'm sure my upcoming writings will dive into this new and exciting stage of my life. Sometimes life is quite funny, sometimes it's downright entertaining, and sometimes it can get a little bit more serious. I love God and want to live a life that pleases him but that sometimes is easier said than done. :) So join me as I walk through the trials, struggles and joys of life when the only thing that works is a little chocolate and a lot of faith.
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