So in the past few days I seem to have done a few things for the first time (thank goodness taking a shower was not on that list - been there, done that!!!) :) Haha!
Of course I know that you would desperately want to know what these things were so who am I to deny you that joy?
Let's see, a couple weeks ago I went to a drive-in movie for the very first time (don't laugh), that turned out to be a fun time. The movies I saw were great How to Train your Dragon and Ironman II. I recommend them both. Things got a little hairy though when I needed to go to the ladies' room during intermission and unfortunately one other time (note to self-no liquids at drive in). Let's just say I think the smell that emanated from in there singed some of my nose hairs off. Plus how about they had one of those fabric roll towels where if you pull the lever the next section is supposed to be clean? Apparently these people were into recycling. Glad I have a supply of hand sanitizer in my car. But here's the interesting part, the first time through, one of the other stalls was occupied by someone with pinkish sneakers and then about an hour later I return and that same stall was occupied by the same pinkish sneakers. I'm hoping that the person didn't die from asphyxiation.
Next on the first list was my four-wheeling adventure. Never before have I been on one of those machines and was very leery when my friend offered to take me for a ride. I was holding on for dear life I can tell you. We went over hills and ponds and rode through a group of horses. Freaked me out a little when some of them started galloping alongside the four wheeler. Then just when I thought I could get used to this a very steep hill came into the picture as we rode along the side of it. I thought the thing would flip over and we would roll down the hill. Yikes! But then I had to go open a gate to get through and snagged my arm on some barbed wire. Ouch! Go figure it was rusted barbed wire. So there I am wondering when I had my last tetanus shot and thinking I suddenly didn't feel too good and my friend offered to let me drive. Distracted from my grave injury momentarily I realized I was having fun!
Next I was helping out my friend by watering her plants when she got the brilliant (I use that term very loosely) idea to let me color her hair so it would set while she was doing yard work. Now I have to say I had no prior knowledge of hair color. Actually I had never even seen what comes in the box. Secondly I am a person who reads the instruction booklet for anything from cover to cover. Now I was being asked to color someone's hair. In the back of my mind I thought I could hear 'danger, danger'. Needless to say I started applying this color which at first was a clear liquid so I didn't think much of getting a little (and I use that term very loosely) on her face. That was until it started turning very black. She wanted to know if there was any on her face. Really? Not wanting to lie, I said there was a little here and there. Well working in the yard, her head and face began to get real hot real fast so she rushes to the bathroom. I don't understand why she was very upset that half her face matched her hair. So I said well at least your hair looks good. Then I suggested scrubbing it off with lemon juice and salt. Kids do not believe everything you see on TV. Well let's say she survived, she still has all her skin and well her hair turned out great :}
Like I said, lots of firsts. The one I remember most though was having coffee with a friend and catching up. I sometimes think that being single is just tough in a world of couples. I think no one else unless you are in the same position can quite understand and granted I want to marry the man God has for me but sometimes the wait is so long and so frustrating. Well I was having coffee (not a first time event to clarify) my friend started sharing about her desire to have kids and how hard it is sometimes to be around other young couples because they have kids and they don't seem to share her interests etc. Well as we continued talking and I suddenly had a fresh perspective for the first time in a long time. Doesn't matter at what stage in life we are at, we will have things to deal with, cries of our hearts, longings waiting to be filled, prayers that we want answers for but the secret is what Paul found, in all situations to be content. Our hearts at times want to dwell on things that we don't have but being content with where God has us at the moment, that's the key, knowing that He is in control, He's never late, His ways are perfect and His faithfulness endures forever. Now that is the type of revelation that when you first get it...hang on to it!
Welcome to my blog!
So the truth is that trying to survive in our world as a woman is hard enough at times but toss in some Christianity and you got yourself quite a challenge. My name is Miranda and welcome to my blog. I recently married the love of my life and went from the single life to the newly married adventure. I'm sure my upcoming writings will dive into this new and exciting stage of my life. Sometimes life is quite funny, sometimes it's downright entertaining, and sometimes it can get a little bit more serious. I love God and want to live a life that pleases him but that sometimes is easier said than done. :) So join me as I walk through the trials, struggles and joys of life when the only thing that works is a little chocolate and a lot of faith.
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